Saturday, September 11, 2010

We've only just begun

It is 4:30 on a Saturday afternoon and I am in my pajamas. I slept in and then spent the day alternating in between cleaning and laundry and reading, catching up on emails and facebook, and watching senseless tv. Can you guess what today is? If you guessed the very first weekend of the school year . . .ding ding you are correct. Today marked the first day that I have not done anything school related in over 2 1/2 weeks including one week of professional development and the always eventful first week of school. We have had some major changes at my school and this is the first year that I went back with as much enthusiasm as I did the first year that I taught. After a wonderful summer, I am starting this new year with feelings of great renewal and excitement. I am looking forward to the changes that are happening and to a year with no mistakes and so much learning ahead. This is going to be an amazing year. I've always intended to keep track of things that go on in school and with my students (and the crazy things that they say) and have decided that I'm actually going to do it - so here we go!

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